Your Name.
Released • 2016
Mitsuha is the daughter of the mayor of a small mountain town. She's a straightforward high school girl who lives with her sister and her grandmother and has no qualms about letting it be known that she's uninterested in Shinto rituals or helping her father's electoral campaign. Instead she dreams of leaving the boring town and trying her luck in Tokyo. Taki is a high school boy in Tokyo who works part-time in an Italian restaurant and aspires to become an architect or an artist. Every night he has a strange dream where he becomes...a high school girl in a small mountain town.—Happy_Evil_Dude
1. Your Name. 720p bluray x264
2.0 en
866.91 MB
long ago
1. Your Name. 1080p bluray x264
2.0 en
1.59 GB
long ago
1. Your Name. 2160p bluray x265
5.1 en
4.85 GB
long ago

A.K.A. BR: Buffy, a Caça-Vampiros  IL: באפי קוטלת הערפדים  IT: Buffy - L'ammazzavampiri  US: BtVS